MARKED DOWN--LAST ONE Civil War Canister Balls (Mini Cannon Balls)

A canister ball is a solid metal ball about an inch in diameter that was shot out of a cannon along with 50+ similar ones in a canister--Picture a coffee can full of big marbles.
You can imagine the human devastation when that cannister would burst open and rain the balls on--and through-- enemy troops. In one of the several Civil War books I've written, I took a quote from a soldier's diary describing the balls hitting his line of soldiers to both his left and right,who were firing rifles at the Confederates. To paraphrase, 'in looking down the row I didn't see soldiers just wounded; I saw them liquefied."
I can't imagine hearing the incredibly loud sound and glancing to perhaps a friend at your left, when you discovered you were uninjured, but the friend was completely gone...liquefied! Civil War battlegrounds were referred to by many as containing "rivers of blood" after the fighting paused or stopped. And, that simple description, even just one word (liquefied) explains the horror of the war or any war; but I simply cannot picture what the sight (and site) looked like strewn with bodies, limbs and completely unidentifiable remains!
This item is ONE CANISTER BALL for sale. I have only 2 of the 3 shown remaining; you can purchase one or both.