SPECIAL MARKED DOWN Roman Glass Bottle, Heavily Encrusted

This Roman Glass bottle doesn't have all the character and color of others in this sale that follow, but it still is an interesting small (2+ inches) bottle. It has so much encrustation and perhaps environmental damage that it is difficult to see and appreciate design features such as the ribs around the full circumference on the lower half.
I do not know what the white chalky encrustation is but assume it is the result of some type of chemicals in the soil where it was buried for as many as 2,000+ years. I always have to remind myself how very old these Roman glass bottles, beads and coins offered here really are. If you stop to consider that this bottle was hand blown by a Roman artisan 2,000 years ago, shaped and designed with those ribs, used for anywhere from 1 to 50 years for perfume or something else, then lost to the soil when that home was destroyed (in who knows what manner) it's pretty remarkable to be holding that history in your hands. The white at the base of the neck is flaking and could have cracks there or even perhaps an old repair.
Still, I don't want to talk badly about items I'm selling! It isn't quite up to the elegance of many of the Roman pieces of glass in this sale. For those anxious to own a glass piece, but not wanting to spend very much for something that might be far afield from their collecting, I'm offering this at frankly a price below I could ever pay for it/a similar piece.
Re: Shipping: you will notice throughout the sale that I have mentioned that my shipping costs are based on many factors and one problem is I won't know where it will be heading but also I cannot individually tailor shipping charges to a buyer. One feature in this sale app is that I can list the shipping cost; that's pretty easy. But when it's shipped with another item it's really a guess. For example, shipping is $7 to send this very well packed in a sturdy box. But what to charge if it is shipped with another item (and not known what that item might be) is very problematic. If I package and ship it with a small 3D bottle or item, there's minimal additional cost; but if I need to ship it with something not as fragile that can ship in a padded mailer there is no advantage/savings trying to ship them together unless both can fit in the bottle's box. Consequently all of the shipping charges and charges if shipped with another item are not wild guesses, but my best estimate of how it might work. If there is some major issue after the fact, I'll simply refund any "error" costs you've paid. And if it comes up say $3 or $4 short I will NOT bill for that amount.