Outstanding 19th Century Yellow & Spots of Color African Trade Beads ON SALE

One inconsistency in this sale is that I did NOT write descriptions and then attempt to list in specific order. This means that you might have a very lengthy description with notes that apply to multiple items; the beads illustrate this. Because I have written quite long descriptions with general information on the lot that follows this one, I won't repeat it all here. It is difficult to rearrange lots once I've posted them, but it could be done. Sorry, I am being unorthodox (not lazy) so that this and the following strands should have nearly identical descriptions. The longer detail in the offwhite but VERY similar strand in the next lot applies here. You can also see that bead size and shape are very similar as is the addition of the secondary or spot color.
Suffice it to say this another great strand of beads....even if you haven't seen the other yet, depending on how you work your way through the lots. (And both this and the companion beads in the next lot share another similarity: Both will be sent postpaid.)