Shipwreck Sale: Large, Round Wooden Beads from Africa

Unlike the other strands of Roman and African trade beads offered in this sale, these are much larger beads and appear to be carved from wood and painted. These are probably circa 200 years old and the strandis very heavy and about 19 inches long.
This is the only group of beads I have that are this large and wooden. They likely originated in Africa in the 18th or perhaps the early 19th century.
All through history beads were a very popular item for trade, certainly in Africa, but throughout the western hemisphere as well. Perhaps of most note were the many beads that Lewis & Clark carried to trade with Native Ameircans from the Midwest to the Pacific Northwest.
NOTE--ADDITIONAL BEADS INCLUDING LEWIS & CLARK TRADE BEADS: I acquired substantially more beads than I listed in this sale but would be happy to send photos/price information if anyone has interest. Included is a very nice group of small, white and plain beads like the ones Lewis & Clark traded, but it is obviously impossible to say when they were dug just who owned them and where did they originate. I didn't have time to list them but if you have interest please contact me. They are not strung but loose and could likely be strung to an 18-20-inch necklace.