Shipwreck Sale: Exquisite Strand of Light Blue Glass Trade Beads

This strand consists of uniform sized, quite lovely glass trade beads. Like all trade beads, they generally were made in Austria and nearby countries still famous for glassworks today. When talking about trade beads most people refer to European made beads that were traded primarily throughout Africa but also in the Western Hemisphere.
It makes sense that throughout the early--and later--periods of exploration beads were highly valued among indiginous people throughout the world, especially since they were unable to create their own in such magnificent colors in glass. The only glass beads from Africa beginning perhaps in the 17th century forward were made from a process heating sand which produced a melted substance then formed into beads. They were typically painted with natural pigments.
When you see paintings of early Africans or American Indians, much of the adornment consists of metal and natural materials that they made--and the generally very colorful glass beads traded by the glorious explorers come to exploit them!
I personally like these beads that are more subtle than most offered here...but it's all about the customers not the sellers!