Pallasite Meteorite, Polished Slice with Imbedded Gemstones 1 of 4 Available

This cut and polished pallasite meteorite is just about the same size as a business card--nearly exactly but an 1/8th of an inch or a bit more in thickness. I've found pallsites to be the most attractive of all meteorites found on earth. As you can see, they are full of crystal like gemstones, most often peridot!
Amazing what is floating around the cosmos and ultimately landing here. I would have liked to offer a natural slice as opposed to one that was made so symmetrical but when this was the only opportunity I had to purchase an example, I didn't hesitate.
The photo held to a light shows through the most transparent of the stones and you can see that they vary dramatically in the amount of light you can see. And this is merely being held up by my stubby little fingers in front of a desk lamp. Under a more intense light you would see much more. At the left you can see that this was drilled with a cord attached so it could be worn as a necklace. That's your choice of course.
Please note that I have listed four as available and they all differ in the colors of the stones so if you are the first to purchase this is the one you will receive; otherwise the pallasite slice is different although identical as cut and polished. You should know that a comparable untouched piece this large can easily cost several hundred dollars; frankly, I'm not sure why they're mostly polished or etched...or even cut into a variety of shapes. I would have thought that meteorites in their natural, unpolished state would be most popular. And they are, but availability and price make one like this more available and for less of an investment.