
If you visit this store frequently you will notice new items as they're listed; I have been leaving items sold in the store posted but with "SOLD" noted. I know that several customers appreciated the opportunity to see what sold, for how much, and so on.
Iwill begin removing some of these, however, to ensure we have adequate space for new listings.

In the last few months I have acquired quite a few excellent items, and it takes a while to get all the photography completed/edited and then the items posted here (and on ebay) for sale. Just a few of the items I have NOT yet announced or listed include:
>Group of 1893 Columbian Amateur photos
>Several Confederate Stamps
>Gem 1909VDB Lincoln cents
>Gem BU Indian cents (I was about to list "proof" Indians here but I've sold every one
I purchased. It is very difficult to find them at decent retail prices let alone at
wholesale, but I'll post any I'm able to find & buy)
>Civil War tokens & documents
>Japanese Satsuma items; these beautiful pieces from the late 19th and 20the are
quite amazing and VERY INEXPENSIVE.
>A selection of Jade and other wonderfully carved SNUFF BOTTLES
>Dozens of 1962 Century 21 Expo items including original shirts, ties and other textiles & a collection of about 30 Roseburg/Viletta's porcelain mugs, cups, salt &
pepper shakers & other items
>My usual always increasing inventory from the 1893 World's Columbian Expo; and
I'm trying to post new articles and brief items in my blog
(; please stop by if you haven't lately!

I'm quite excited about all I've acquired & it will take quite a bit of time to begin offering everything. January was an "interessting" month as our internet was totally screwed up and NONE of my emails would go through for more than a week. I've found a bandaid but still not a permanent fix. Comcast, ever the helpful vendor, susggested just starting over with a new domain name and email address. Big help! Thanks a lot.

Please take a look at the items already listed and if I can be of any help with questions--or offers--just let me know via email ([email protected]), text (206-947-6966) or phone (425-481-88a8).