Shipwreck Sale: Artifact Group #1 6 Roman Coins, Glass Beads & Fibula

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Shipwreck Sale: Artifact Group #1 6 Roman Coins, Glass Beads & Fibula

This group has a large number of highly desirable items. If you expect groups to be mostly cast-off or "cheap" items you'll find how wrong that would be here. Included are six Roman coins with several in extra fine condition. A few minutes with a reference book could very likely tell you the emperors and times the coins were struck. The larger coin at bottom right has a very distinct and distinctive image (this is the reverse) of a "camp gate" that is found on many coins. It signifies the strength of the army and its camps and also the strength of Rome in general.

the large item at the top is a fibula--large pin that might have been worn on the tunic or top of a Roman soldier. It looks as if it might have a piece missing as it doesn't look exactly like others I've seen that represent cross bows; it should have a perpendicular piece and likely did when it was made and worn. It might have been worn when a soldier fell in battle or someone died wearing it.

In the center of the group are 7 glass beads in variying sizes and shapes. The longer cylindrical beads are often found in necklaces--found intact (highly unusual) or in a small scattered buried pile that once did form a necklace. At least three of the coins included would retail at $25-$35 each. We've priced the entire group quite inexpensively. the advantage for one buying a group is that the pricing is for a volume (here 16 total pieces) rather than ust one or two pieces and thus the buyerhas hte opportunity to obtain items at dramatically less than they would cost purchasing them individually.