MARKED DOWN: 5 Gem Proof Medals Celebrating 500th Anniversary of Columbus' First Voyage

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MARKED DOWN: 5 Gem Proof Medals   Celebrating 500th Anniversary of Columbus' First Voyage

I have, of course, been a dedicated researcher and writer regarding the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition that celebrated the 400th anniversary of Columbus' first voyage to the Americas. Sort of by osmosis I've found myself "discovering" items, especially medals, commemorating the voyages of Columbus, that perhaps I would not have been drawn to had it not been for my deep involvement in the Expo that began when I was researching my first book on the subject. That was the 1993 limited edition and hardcover book that was published by the National Trust for Historical Preservation. In 2002 when the hardcover went out of print I worked with the University of Illinois Press to bring it back as a softcover; the U of I has kept it in print now for 22 years.

I then wrote a history of the Exposition's Midway Plaisance for the U of I in 2017.
And I am now working on a catalog/guide to the tickets and passes from the Columbian Expo, a surprisingly daunting task.

But this text is supposed to focus on this interesting set of 5 medals from Spain. You may have seen a similarly packaged bronze set of FOUR medals again celebrating Columbus and his voyages. I purchased this set several years ago along with the 4-medal bronze set in an identical wooden sliding lidded box. When I purchased this set I was told by the original collector who purchased both sets when they were issued 30+ years ago that this one is silver. They look the part, but I do NOT have any verification or paperwork stating this and the medals are not stamped as silver, which is common but by no means always done.

These medals are proofs and strong frosted cameos. The design and engraving quality is high, a pleasant surprise considering what a high percentage of "modern" privately issued coins and medals have yet to reach an overall high grade for design and aesthetic appeal.

This lot is the complete set as shown--with each medal encapsulated and all five in the wooden display box. I've put the set on sale for only $99.